Roofing repairs Blackpool specialise in carrying out small roof and gutter repairs. Including the cleaning of roofs and guttering. Slates replaced, roofs repaired, chimneys pointed, ridge tiles replaced, chimney pots fitted.
Here at Roofing Repairs Blackpool we repair rooftops around the Cleveleys - Thornton - Poulton areas of Blackpool including carrying out all kinds of roof repair and gutter cleaning in and around Fleetwood and Lytham St. Annes. We point ridge tiles chimney stacks and walls on rooftops. We clean, repair or replace defective and leaking old gutters. We fit chimney pots for coal and log burners including cowls, rain hoods and vents for the tops of chimney pots. We do cement work on roofs - Pointing - Cement verges - Bedding roof tiles. We work on leaky lead flashing around chimney stacks, replacing porous flashing and lead soakers. We fix leaking roofs and cure damp problems on bedroom ceilings and walls. We eradicate condensation problems by ventilation of roof voids and attics using the recommended roof vent tiles and slates.
Roof Repairs
carried out around Blackpool
Free no obligation estimates for all types of roof and guttering repair work.
We also clean rooftops and gutters.
Point chimney stacks and ridge tiles.
Flat Roof Repairs
Chimney Pointing
With over 40 years trading as local jobbing roofers specialising in carrying out the smaller type of roof repair most other Blackpool roofers can not be bothered with
You can speak directly with Anthony Bates the person who will call to carry out and give you your free estimate. The person who will do the work if you decide to go ahead and choose us Blackpool Roof Repairs to carry out your roofing repair work.
01253 462026
Roof slates replaced
Roof tiles fixed
Chimney repairs
Guttering cleaned
Down spouts fitted
Soil pipes fitted
We can call by arrangement and inspect your leaking roof or guttering and supply an estimate completely free of any call out charge or fee.
Blocked gutters cleaned
Gutter seals replaced
Guttering replaced
Ridge tiles pointed
Chimney pointing
Chimney pots replaced
Chimney pots removed
Chimney cowls
Condensation problems
Roof ventilation
Skylights repaired
Lead valley repairs
We carry in stock at our yard a very large range of quality reclaimed and new roofing materials for use on our many roofing repair projects throughout the Fylde Coast.
Roofing slates and concrete roof tiles. Marley roof tiles, Redland roof tiles, Sandtoff roofing tiles, Ridge and terracotta Rosemary tiles. We have a good selection of stone roofing slabs. Osma plastic gutters, Marley gutter, Brent Walker rainwater systems. We have access to timber and metal guttering parts as well as a comprehensive range of good used reclaimed old fashioned cast iron gutters and pipework. Gutter clips, unions and opperheads. We have all sizes and colours of roofing slate to enable us to perform an effective roof repair on leaking rooftops and help match in to existing roof coverings. Quality fascia and uPVC plastic soffitt boards in black, brown, white or grey. We stock treated roof timbers and battens and have available to us a comprehensive range of roof lights, skylights and Velux roof openings. Also toughened reinforced glass for roof windows and openings. Bitumen felts for flat roofs and garage tops. Green mineral felt for garden sheds and outside workshops or buildings.
We carry out roofing and gutter repair work throughout the Fylde Coast. Specialising in small to medium sized roof and gutter repairs we offer free no obligation estimates / quotations for insurance purposes. Our repair work carries a guarantee and we submit a written quotation for repairs before we start a job. We can call over the weekend or after 5pm provided it is not gone dark. We have over 40 years experience carrying out all types of reasonably priced roof and gutter repairs.